I used to put off my hygiene appointments for as long as possible. I hated the cold water, the painful scaler and the horrid gritty paste and occasional trays overfilled with disgusting gel. Well, a couple of years ago, Dr Nixon bought some AIRFLOW units that made some remarkable changes to my 6 monthly visits.
As I have got older I have developed receding gums so usually need local anaesthetic when I have my regular scale and polish. I heard about AIRFLOW® so decided it was worth a try and I'm so glad I did, it was absolutely painless and over very quickly - My teeth still feel really smooth and clean, I'm definitely a convert - no more post anaesthetic dribbling for me!

AIRFLOW is fun. I liked the colours on my teeth first and thought the water tickled.

For me, the cleaning process was quick, very comfortable and the results were brilliant- my teeth were so clean!

I had my GBT clean at Dr Chris Barker's practice on 26 June 2020. It was the best dental experience I have ever had